【双硕士】How Double Degree Students Transfer Credits

Requirements: Only double degree students could transfer credits to SJTU graduate study plan. The transferred course should be taken from SJTU cooperative universities, or from SJTU undergraduate system.

Timing: 5-6 week, 15-16 week of each semester.

  1. To transfer  course from SJTU undergraduate years:

    1. Take auditing transcript from Graduate School Cultivation Office. (Mr. Chen, Room 337, Chen Ruiqiu Building)

    2. Finish filling the credit transferring form “上海交通大学研究生课程学分转换表.zip” downloaded here: http://www.gs.sjtu.edu.cn/gjjl/bgxz.htm

    3. Ask the course lecturer in SJTU to sign on the transcript and transferring form

    4. Ask department director to sign

    5. Take the signed form and transcript to Ms. Ma (Room 106-108, SEIEE Building 3)

    6. Ms. Ma would review the transcript and form, if no problem, she would transfer the form and transcript to Graduate School International Affairs Office

    7. After review, International Affairs Office would send the form and transcript to Cultivation Office for credit transferring

  2. To transfer graduate course from SJTU cooperative universities:

    1. Take an official transcript from home university, but the university should be cooperative universities with SJTU

    2. Finish filling the credit transferring form “上海交通大学研究生课程学分转换表.zip” downloaded here: http://www.gs.sjtu.edu.cn/gjjl/bgxz.htm

    3. Ask sipervisor to sign and then ask the course lecturer in SJTU to sign on transferring form

    4. Ask department director to sign

    5. Take the signed form and transcript to Ms. Ma (Room 106-108, SEIEE Building 3)

    6. Ms. Ma would review the transcript and form, if no problem, she would transfer the form and transcript to Graduate School International Affairs Office

    7. After review, International Affairs Office would send the form and transcript to Cultivation Office for credit transferring

[ 2016-11-30 ]