The European American Fellow-student Association (EAFSA) elections were held last December 24th, 2013 in Room 208, Building 3, SEIEE. Tao Yanmin, Director of United Department, Mo Guangcheng, Deputy Director of the Party Committee in SEIEE and members of EAFSA, presented the meeting hosted by the Vice-Chairman of EAFSA, Yang Ming.
Director Tao briefly described each department’s job functions and the set regulations of the EAFSA. He also mentioned that other colleges learned from SEIEEto set up the similar associate. “It is good to come up with activities and gain experiences with people who is willing to serve for the associate”, he claimed. In addition, he praised the past members’ excellence and expressed his expectations for the newly-elected members.
Lai Xuejia, Chairman of EAFSA made a summary on the past years and shared his experiences and suggestions.
Xi Yugeng was elected as the new Chairman, Wang Xinbin, Yangming and Zhao Jianjun as Vice-Chairmen, and Ye Chen was elected Secretary.
Chairman Xi expressed high expectations and is eager to have the returnees put forth a positive effect on the country’s construction industry. All members were also given time to share their wishes.