《现代电力系统运行优化理论与应用》 课程简介
Theory and Application of Optimization in Modern Power System Operation
课程名称 (Course Name) :Theory and Application of Optimization in Modern Power System Operation
课程代码 (Course Code):EE26007
学分/学时 (Credits/Credit Hours):2/32
开课时间 (Course Term ) :第一学期9~16周(冬季)
开课学院(School Providing the Course): 电子信息与电气工程学院SEIEE
任课教师(Teacher): 冯冬涵、许少伦、
课程讨论时数(Course Discussion Hours): 30小时(Hours)
课程实验数(Lab Hours): 2小时(Hours)
课程内容简介(Course Introduction):
This graduate-level course provides a fundamental understanding of the mathematics behind the operation of power grids. Following topics will be covered:
ü Frontier practice of modeling power systems operation using linear programming, quadratic programming, mixed integer programming, convex optimization and other optimization techniques.
ü Power systems operation problems such as state estimation, optimal dispatch, unit commitment, etc.
ü Stochastic optimization for renewable energy
ü Select topics on operating a smart grid
教学大纲(Course Teaching Outline):
1. Traditional and new techniques for power systems modeling
2. Mathematics for feasible operation regions
3. Linearization and convex relaxation of power flow models
4. Cutting-edge advances, challenges and technologies for operating a smart grid (intermittency and stochasticity, demand response, energy storage and vehicle electrification)
课程进度计划(Course Schedule):
1. Week 1 (4 classes):Time domain analysis, Fourier transformation and steady-state terms; mathematic essence of apparent, active and reactive power; conservation of energy, charge, and potential.
2. Week 2 (4 classes):mathematical essence of voltage maintenance, power transfer, transmission capacity in a three-phase power system; transformers and per-unit normalization; voltage collapse and P-V plane; P-Q plane, P1-P2 plane and feasible operation region;
3. Week 3 (4 classes):graph theory and impedance matrix; non-convexity and convex relaxation of optimal power flow, linearization of power flow models and direct current optimal power flow;
4. Week 4 (4 classes):rank one solution and optimization for distribution networks, relaxation, duality and KKT conditions; Lagrange multipliers and its physical implication; perturbation and sensitivity analysis;
5. Week 5 (4 classes): congestion, losses and merchandise surplus; transmission rights; degeneracy, convex hull and other recent advances;
6. Week 6 (4 classes): discussion class; laboratory tour;
7. Week 7 (4 classes):Centralized versus decentralized control; distributed decision and equilibrium; energy storage, demand response and vehicle electrification; rationality and complete information assumption;
8. Week 8 (4 classes): wind, solar, intermittency and stochasticity; smart meter, phase shifter, phasor measurement unit and flexible active current transmission system; multi-energy network; final project.
课程考核要求(Course Assessment Requirements):
1. 25% homework
2. 20% active participation
3. 20% discussion class: presentation and debating
4. 35% final project (final exam)
参考文献(Course References):
[1]. Wood, Allen J., and Bruce F. Wollenberg. Power generation, operation, and control. John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
[2]. Arthur R. Bergen, Vijay Vittal, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2000 - Electric power systems - 619 pages.