- Name:Jie Song
- Title:Associate Professor
- Office:Micro-Nano Building 1-512
- Office Phone:0086-34207437
- Email:sjie(at)sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Medical instrument development;
High resolution dynamic imaging;
Single cell manipulation;
DNA nanotech for biomedical application
2014 Doctor: iNANO, Aarhus University, Denmark
2009 Bachelor: Physics, Lanzhou University, P. R. China
Work experience
2016.9 – present: Associate Professor, Department of Instrument Science and Engineering, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
2015.7 – 2016.9: Post. Doc. BEM, Emory University, USA
2014.7 – 2015.7: Post. Doc. iNANO, Aarhus University, Denmark
Research Interests
1, Single molecular detection by High resolution dynamic imaging
2, Single molecular manipulation via DNA nanotechnology
3, Single cell manipulation based on Fluid-AFM
Awards and Honors
2016 Thousand Youth Talents grant from China
2014 Danish SDC Awards, Denmark
2012 AUFF Awards from Aarhus University, Danmark
2012 Niels Bohr Scholarship from Royal Danish Academy, Danmark
“Micro-Nano characterization and technology”
(h-index = 18; Citation > 1000; ✳ Indicates equal contribution; # Indicates corresponding author)
1. Jie Song*#, Z. Li*, P. Wang*, T. Meyer, C.D. Mao#, Y. Ke#: Reconfiguration of DNA Molecular Arrays Driven by Information Relay, Science 2017 June 22 DOI: 10.1126/science.aan3377
2. Y.X. Pan, J.B. Peng, S. Xin, Y. You, Y.L. Men, F. Zhang, M.Y. Duan, Y. Cui, Z.Q. Sun and Jie Song#, Enhanced Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic H2 Evolution from Water on Noble-Metal-Free CdS-Nanoparticle-Dispersed Mo2C@C Nanospheres, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2017 5(6), 5449
3. Q. Zhang, T. Yin, G. Gao, J. G. Shapter, W. Lai, P. Huang, W. Qi, Jie Song, and D.X. Cui: Multifunctional Core@Shell Magnetic Nanoprobes for Enhancing Targeted Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Fluorescent Labeling in Vitro and in Vivo, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (21), pp 17777–17785
4. Y. Ma, H.L. Fu, Z, Wang, H. Huang, J. Ni, Jie Song, Y. Xia, W.L. Xia, W.L. Jin, D.X. Cui: USP22 maintains gastric cancer stem cell stemness and promotes gastric cancer progression by stabilizing BMI1 protein, Oncotarget, 2017 (8) 33329
5. C.X. Yue, Y.M Yang, C.L. Zhang, G. Alfranca, S. Cheng, L. Ma, Y. Liu, X. Zhi, J. Ni, W. Jiang, Jie Song, J.M. Fuente and D.X. Cui: ROS-Responsive Mitochondria-Targeting Blended Nanoparticles: Chemo- and Photodynamic Synergistic Therapy for Lung Cancer with On-Demand Drug Release upon Irradiation with a Single Light Source, Theranostics 2016 6(13) 2352
6. Qinghui Zeng, Q Li, W Ji, X Bin, Jie Song# :Highly Sensitive Homogeneous Immunoassays Based on Construction of Silver Triangular Nanoplates-Quantum Dots FRET System, Scientific reports, 2016, 6, 26534
7. YX Pan, ZQ Sun, HP Cong, YL Men, S Xin, Jie Song#, SH Yu#: Photocatalytic CO2 reduction highly enhanced by oxygen vacancies on Pt-nanoparticle-dispersed gallium oxide, Nano Research, 2016 1-12
Before SJTU
1. Jakob Bach Knudsen, Lei Liu, Anne Louise Bank Kodal, Mikael Madsen, Qiang Li, Jie Song, Johannes B Woehrstein, Shelley FJ Wickham, Maximilian T Strauss, Florian Schueder, Jesper Vinther, Abhichart Krissanaprasit, Daniel Gudnason, Anton Allen Abbotsford Smith, Ryosuke Ogaki, Alexander N Zelikin, Flemming Besenbacher, Victoria Birkedal, Peng Yin, William M Shih, Ralf Jungmann, Mingdong Dong, Kurt V Gothelf: Routing of individual polymers in designed patterns. Nature Nanotechnology, 2015, 10, 892
2. Qiang Li, Jie Song, Flemming Besenbacher, Mingdong Dong: Two-dimensional material confined water, Accounts of chemical research, 2014, 48, 119
3. Q. Zeng, Y. Zhang, D. Shao, W. Ji, X Kong, J. Li, L. Chen and Jie Song#, Straightforward strategy of surface chemistry on gold nanoparticles via silica encapsulating for human hepatocarcinoma cell application. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6, 19327
4. Jie Song✳, Qiang Li✳, Jørgen Kjems, Flemming Besenbacher, and Mingdong Dong: Evidence of Stranski-Krastanov Growth at the Initial Stage of Atmospheric Water Condensation, Nature Communications, 2014, 5, 4837
5. Qinghui Zeng, Dan Shao, Wenyu Ji, Jing Li, Li Chen and Jie Song#: The nanotoxicity investigation of optical nanoparticles to cultured cells in vitro. Toxicology Reports 2014, 1, 137
6. Y. Ke, L. L.Ong, W. Sun, Jie Song, Mingdong Dong, William M.Shih, P. Yin : Complex Crystals with Prescribed Depth, Nature Chemistry, 2014, 6, 994
7. Zhao Zhang✳, Jie Song✳,Flemming Besenbacher, Mingdong Dong, Kurt V. Gothelf, Self-Assembly of DNA Origami and Single-Stranded Tile Structures at Room Temperature, Angewandte Chemie 2013, 125, 9389
8. Jie Song, Zhao Zhang, Shuai Zhang, Lei Liu, Qiang Li, Erqing Xie, Kurt Vesterager Gothelf, Flemming Besenbacher, Mingdong Dong: Isothermal Hybridization Kinetics of DNA Assembly of Two-Dimensional DNA Origami. Small, 2013, 9, 2954-2959.
9. Zhang S.; Andreasen, M.; Nielsen, J.T.; Nielsen, E.H.; Liu, L.; Jie Song; Ji, G.; Sun, F.; Skrydstrup, T.; Nielsen N.C.; Besenbacher, F.; Otzen, D.E.; Dong, M: Coexistence of ribbon and helical fibrils originating from hIAPP20-29 revealed by quantitative nanomechanical atomic force microscopy. PNAS, 2013, 110(8):2798-803
10. Christian Pfeffer, Steffen Larsen, Jie Song, Mingdong Dong, Flemming Besenbacher, Rikke Meyer, Kasper Urup Kjeldsen, Lars Schreiber, Yuri Gorby, Mohamed El-Naggar, Kar Man Leung, Andreas Schramm, Nils Risgaard-Petersen and Lars Peter Nielsen: Filamentous bacteria transport electrons over centimetres distances, Nature, 2012 491, 218–221
11. Jie Song, Jean-Michel Arbona, Zhao Zhang, Lei Liu, Erqing Xie, Juan Elezgaray, Jean-Pierre Aime, Kurt Vesterager Gothelf, Flemming Besenbacher, Mingdong Dong: Direct Visualization of Transient Thermal Response of a DNA Origami, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2012, 134, 984
12. Jie Song, Derya Kahveci, Menglin Chen, Zhen Guo, Erqing Xie, Xuebin Xu, Flemming Besenbacher, Mingdong Dong: Enhanced Catalytic Activity of Lipase Encapsulated in PCL Nanofibers, Langmuir, 2012, 28 (14), pp 6157–6162
13. Jie Song, Menglin Chen, Viduthalai R. Regina, Chenxuan Wang, Rikke L. Meyer, Erqing Xie, Chen Wang, Flemming Besenbacher and Mingdong Dong: Safe and Effective Ag Nanoparticles immobilized Antimicrobial NanoNonwovens. Advanced biomaterials. 2012, 5, B24
14. Jie Song, Menglin Chen, Mikkel Buster Olesen, Chenxuan Wang, Rasmus Havelund, Qiang Li, Erqing Xie, Rong Yang, Peter Bøggild, Chen Wang, Flemming Besenbacher and Mingdong Dong: Direct electrospinning ofAg/polyvinylpyrrolidone nanocables. Nanoscale, 2011, 3, 4966
15. Jie Song, Xiuyun An, Jinyuan Zhou, Yanxia Liu, Wei Wang, Xiaodong Li, Wei Lan, Erqing Xie: Investigation of enhanced ultraviolet emission from different Ti-capped ZnO structures via surface passivation and surface plasmon coupling. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2010, 97(12), 122103
16. Jie Song, Jinyuan Zhou, Wei Wang, Yanxia Liu, Xiaodong Li, Xianbo Xu, Erqing Xie: Growth mechanism and photoluminescent properties of AlN/ZnO heterostructures. J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114(24), 10761.