- Name:Yan Hao
- Title:Assistant Professor
- Office:
- Office Phone:
- Email:yan_hao@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:http://www.ie.sjtu.edu.cn/ie2/index.php/Staff/personal/col1/3/col2/14/id/43
Research Field
Digital holography; compressive sensing holography; super resolution imaging
2007-2012 Ph.D. Degree in Optics Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2005-2007 M.S. Degree in Electronic Information, Tianjin University
2001-2005 B.S. Degree in Electronic Information, Tianjin University
Work experience
Awards and Honors
1. Facai.Yan, Hao Yan*,, Yingjie Yu, Wenjing Zhou, Anand Asundi, “The suppression of phase error by applying window functions to digital holography ”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 2016, accepted. (IF:2.24, SCI&EI) (责任作者,学生一作)
2. Hao Yan, Bing Pan, “Three-dimensional displacement measurement based on the combination of digital holography and digital image correlation”, Optics Letters, Vol. 39 Iss. 17 (2014). (IF:3.385, SCI&EI)
3. Yongfu Wen, Weijuan Qu, Haobo Cheng, Hao Yan, and A. Asundi , “Further investigation on the phase stitching and system errors in digital holography”, Applied Optics, Vol. 54, Issue 2, pp. 266-276 (2015). ( IF:1.649, SCI&EI)
4. Hao Yan*, Anand Asundi, “Impact of charge-coupled device size on axial measurement error in digital holographic system”, Optics Letters, Vol. 38, Iss. 8, pp. 1194–1196 (2013). (IF:3.385, SCI&EI)
5. Hao Yan*, Anand Asundi, “Studies on aperture synthesis in digital Fresnel holography”. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 50, Iss. 4, pp. 556–562 (2012). (IF:1.916, SCI&EI)
6. Hao Yan*, Anand Asundi, “Resolution analysis of a digital holography system”, APPLIED OPTICS, Vol. 50, Iss. 2, pp. 183–193 (2011). ( IF:1.748, SCI&EI)
7. Hao Yan, David Blinder, Stijn Bettens, Heidi Ottevaere, Adrian Munteanu and Peter Schelkens, “CDF 9/7 Wavelets as Sparsifying Operator in Compressive Holography”, The International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2015, accepted.
8. Stijn Bettens, Hao Yan, Shaun Bundervoet, Colas Schretter, Ann Dooms, and Peter Schelkens, “Reconstruction Resilience to Subsampling in Compressive Fresnel Holography”, Digital Holography & 3-D Imaging meeting 2015, accepted as an oral presentation.
9. Facai Yan, Hao Yan*, and Anand Asundi, “The Phase Error Reduction Using Window Functions in Digital Holography”, Proc. SPIE 9449, The International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering (icPOE 2014), 94490O (February 20, 2015).
10. Hao Yan, Chao Ping Chen, Yikai Su, "Influence of Space Variant Effect on Axial Error in Digital Holography," in Proc. Society for Information Display, 2014, 46.4.
11. Hao Yan*, Anand Asundi, "Resolution Analysis of In-line Digital Holography" in OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2011), CWB4.
12. Hao Yan*, Ailing Tian, Anand Asundi, “Challenges of Digital Holography in Micro-optical Measurement”,Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7522, 2010.
13. Hao Yan*, Anand Asundi, “Comparison of Digital Holographic Microscope and Confocal Microscope methods for characterization of micro-optical diffractive components”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 7155, Pages: B1550-B1550, 2008.
14. Hao Yan*, Anand Asundi, “Calibration of Pizeo Rotation Nanopositioning Stage by Digital Holographic System”, Physics Procedia 19, 169-172 (2011).