- Name:DU Jiangbing
- Title:Associate Prof.
- Office:SEIEE 5-137
- Office Phone:02134204316-8005
- Email:dujiangbing@sjtu.edu
- Website:
Research Field
Optical interconnection;
Advanced optical signal processing.
2008~2011, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, PhD, Electronic Engineering;
2005~2008, Nankai University, M. Science, Optics;
2002~2005, Nankai University, B. Science, Physics.
Work experience
2011~2012, Huawei technology
Dr. DU has published more than 100 journal and conference papers. He has been working in the area of optical fiber communication and sensing for years. His recent research interest includes optical interconnection for data center and high performance computer, and advanced optical signal processing for optical communication and optical sensing.
Awards and Honors
1. Jianfeng Xu, Jiangbing Du*, Rongrong Ren, Zhengshang Ruan, and Zuyuan He, “Optical Interferometric Synthesis of PAM4 Signals based on Dual-drive Mach-Zehnder Modulation,” Optics Communications (accept)
2. Jiayuan Li, Ke Xu, and Jiangbing Du, “Ultra-broadband and Flattened Dispersion in Aluminum Nitride Slot Waveguides,” Photonic Journal (accept)
3. Chenyu Liang, Wenjia Zhang, Lin Sun, Yue You, Fan Yang, Jiangbing Du, and Zuyuan He, “Experimental demonstration of 4× 80-Gb/s transmission over 8-km SSMF using Wiener Filter,” Electronics Letters 53 (7), 494-496 (2017)
4. Jiaxiong Li, Jiangbing Du*, Lin Ma, Ming-Jun Li, Ke Xu, and Zuyuan He " Second-order few-mode Raman amplifier for mode-division multiplexed optical communication systems," Opt. Express 25, 810-820 (2017)
5. Bin Wang, Xinyu Fan, Shuai Wang, Jiangbing Du, and Zuyuan He "Millimeter-resolution long-range OFDR using ultra-linearly 100 GHz-swept optical source realized by injection-locking technique and cascaded FWM process," Opt. Express 25, 3514-3524 (2017)
6. Lin Sun, Jiangbing Du*, Zuyuan He, Chenyu Liang, Wenjia Zhang, and Zuyuan He, “45-Gbps 3D-CAP Transmission over a 16-GHz Bandwidth SSMF Link assisted by Wiener Filtering,” Optics Communications 389, 118–122 (2017)
7. Jiaxiong Li, Jiangbing Du*, Lin Ma, Ming-Jun Li, Shoulin Jiang, Xiao Xu, and Zuyuan He "Coupling analysis of non-circular-symmetric modes and design of orientation-insensitive few-mode fiber couplers," Optics Communications 383, 42-49 (2017)
8. Ke Xu, Lin Sun, Yongqiang Xie, Qinghai Song, Zhenzhou Cheng, Jiangbing Du*, and Zuyuan He, "Transmission of IMDD signals at 2 μm wavelength using PAM and CAP," Photonic Journal 8(5), 1-7 (2016)
9. Jiangbing Du*, Yemeng Tao, Yinping Liu, Lin Ma, Wenjia Zhang, and Zuyuan He, "Highly sensitive and reconfigurable fiber optic current sensor by optical recirculating in a fiber loop," Opt. Express 24, 17980-17988 (2016)
10. Lin Sun, Jiangbing Du*, Zuyuan He, “Multiband 3-dimensional Carrierless Amplitude Phase Modulation for Short Reach Optical Communications,” IEEE J. Lightwave Technol. 34, 3103 - 3109 (2016)
11. Li Lu, Du Jiangbing*, Xu Changxin, Sun Lin, Li Jiaxiong, and He Zuyuan ” A Novel Broadened Frequency Sweeping Optical Source with Wide Linewidth Based on Optical Recirculating Frequency Shifter” Chinese Journal of Lasers 43(5):0505004 · May (2016)
12. Xiao Xu, Lin Ma, Wenjia Zhang, Jiangbing Du, and Zuyuan He “Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of Polymer Waveguides for Optical Printed Circuit Board,” Applications Acta Optica Sinica 36(6):0613001, January (2016)
13. TAO Yemeng, DU Jiangbing*, MA Lin, LIU Yinping, HE Zuyuan, “Fiber optic current sensor using a recirculating technique,” Optical communication technology (2016)
14. Jiaxiong Li, Jiangbing Du*, Shuai Wang, Lu Li, Lin Sun, Xinyu Fan, Qingwen Liu, and Zuyuan He, “Improving the spatial resolution of an OFDR based on recirculating frequency shifter,” Photonics Journal 7(5), 6901310 (2015)
15. Lin Sun, Jiangbing Du*, Lu Li, Zuyuan He, "High order SSB modulation and its application for advanced optical comb generation based on RFS," Optics Communications 354, 380–385 (2015)
16. Jiangbing Du*, Lu Li , Xinyu Fan, Qingwen Liu and Zuyuan He, "Sensitivity Enhancement for Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors by Four Wave Mixing," Photonics 2015, 2(2), 426-439 (2015) (Review)
17. Jiangbing DU* and Zuyuan HE, “FBG sensor for strain measurement with enhanced sensitivity by using degenerated FWM in highly nonlinear fibre,” Electron. Lett. 22, 1399-1401 (2013) (Featured article)
18. Jiangbing DU* and Zuyuan HE, “Sensitivity enhanced strain and temperature measurement based on FBG and frequency chirp magnification,” Opt. Express 21, 27111-27118 (2013)
19. Jiangbing DU*, and Fangfang YAN, “All-optical frequency chirp magnification based on four-wave-mixing for optical comb generation,” Electron. Lett. 49,1087-1089 (2013)
20. Jiangbing DU*, and Chester Shu, “Cascaded and Multisection Sagnac Interferometers for Scalable and Tunable Optical OFDM DEMUX,” IEEEJ. Lightwave Technol. 31, 2307-2313 (2013)
21. Y. Dai, J. Du, X. Fu, G. K. P. Lei, and C. Shu, “Ultrawideband monocycle pulse generation based on delayed interference of π/2 phase-shift keying signal,” Opt. Lett. 36, 2695-2697 (2011)
22. L. Wang, Y. Dai, G. Lei, J. Du, and C. Shu, “All-Optical RZ-to-NRZ and NRZ-to-PRZ Format Conversions Based on Delay- Asymmetric Nonlinear Loop Mirror,” IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett. 23, 368 - 370 (2011)
23. Gordon K. P. Lei, Yongheng Dai, Jiangbing Du, and Chester Shu, “Wavelength Multicsting of DPSK Signal with NRZ-to-RZ Format Conversion,” Electron. Lett. 47, 808-810 (2011)
24. Jiangbing Du, Yongheng Dai, Gordon K. P. Lei, Weijun Tong, and Chester Shu, “Photonic crystal fiber based Mach-Zehnder interferometer for DPSK signal demodulation,” Opt. Express 18, 7917-7922 (2010)
25. Jiangbing Du, Yongheng Dai, Gordon K. P. Lei, and Chester Shu, “Reconfigurable two-channel demultiplexing using a single baseband control pulse train in a dispersion asymmetric NOLM,” Opt. Express 18, 18691-18696 (2010)
26. Jiangbing Du, Yongheng Dai, Gordon K. P. Lei, and Chester Shu, “Reconfigurable all-optical two-channel demultiplexer based on modified dispersion asymmetric nonlinear optical loop mirror,” Electron. Lett. 46, 1613 - 1614 (2010)
27. ZOU Bing, LIU Yan-Ge, DU Jiang-Bing, WANG Zhi, HAN Ting-Ting, XU Jian-Bo, LI Yuan, LIU Bo, “Transmission Bandwidth Tunability of a Liquid-Filled Photonic Bandgap Fiber”, Chinese Physics Letters 26, 044210/1-3 (2009)
28. Li Jing, Zhang Weigang, Du Jiangbing, Jiang Meng, Zhang Qi, Liu Yaping, Liu Zhuolin, Qu Kenan, Liu Yange, Wang Zhi, “Application of Hydrofluoric Acid’s Corrosive Properties in the Fabrication of Photonic Crystal Fibers,” Chinese Journal of Lasers 36, 705-709 (2009)
29. J. Du, Y. Liu, Z. Wang, B. Zou, B. Liu, and X. Dong, “Electrically tunable Sagnac filter based on a photonic bandgap fiber with liquid crystal infused,” Opt. Lett. 33, 2215-2217 (2008)
30. J. Du, Y. Liu, Z. Wang, Z. Liu, B. Zou, L. Jin, B. Liu, G. Kai, and X. Dong, “Thermally tunable dual-core photonic bandgap fiber based on the infusion of a temperature-responsive liquid,” Opt. Express 16, 4263-4269 (2008)
31. J. Du, Y. Liu, Z. Wang, B. Zou, B. Liu, and X. Dong, “Liquid crystal photonic bandgap fiber: different bandgap transmissions at different temperature ranges,” Appl. Opt. 47, 5321-5324 (2008)
32. Du JiangBing, Liu YanGe, Wang Zhi, Liu ZhanYuan, Kai GuiYun, Dong XiaoYi, “Characteristics of Photonic Bandgap Fibres with Hollow Core's Inner Surface Coated by a Layer Material”, Chinese Physics Letters 25, 164-167 (2008)
33. Zhanyuan Liu, Yan-ge liu, Jiangbing Du, Shuzhong Yuan, Xiaoyi Dong, “Tunable multiwavelength erbium-doped fiber laser with a polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber Sagnac loop filter”, Laser Phys. Lett. 5, 446-448 (2008)
34. Li Jing, Zhang Wei-Gang, Du Jiang-Bing, Wang Zhi, Liu Yan-Ge and Dong Xiao-Yi, “Design of Photonic Bandgap Fibre with Novel Air-Hole Structure,” Chinese Phys. Lett. 25, 2531-2534 (2008).
35. Zhanyuan Liu, Yan-ge liu, Jiangbing Du, Shuzhong Yuan, Xiaoyi Dong,”Channel-spacing and wavelength switchable multiwavelength erbium-doped fiber laser using sampled Hi-Bi fiber grating and photonic crystal fiber loop mirror,” Laser. Phys. Lett. 5, 122-125, (2007).
36. Z. Wang, T. Taru, T. A. Birks, J. C. Knight, Y. Liu, J. Du, “Coupling in dual-core photonic bandgap fibers: theory and experiment”, Opt. Express 15, 4795-4803 (2007).
37. Qiang Fang, Zhi Wang, GuiYun Kai, Long Jin, Yang Yue, Jiangbing Du, Qing Shi, Zhanyuan Liu, Bo Liu, Yange Liu, Shuahong Yuan, and Xiaoyi Dong, “Proposal for all-solid photonic bandgap fiber with improved dispersion characteristics”, IEEE. Photonics Technology Letters 19, 1239 - 1241 (2007).
38. Shi Qing, Kai Gui-Yun, Wang Zhi, Yue Yang, Du Jiang-Bing, Fang Qiang, Liu Yan-Ge, Lv Fu-Yun, Yuan Shu-Zhong and Dong Xiao-Yi, “Properties of All-Solid Square-Lattice Photonic Bandgap Fibres”, Chinese Physics Letters 24, 2259-2262 (2007).
39. Zhanyuan Liu, Yan-ge Liu, Jiangbing Du, Shuzhong Yuan, Xiaoyi Dong, ”Switchable triple-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser using a single fiber Bragg grating in polarization-maintaining fiber”, Opt. Commun. 279, 168-172, (2007).