- Name:ZHU Weiren
- Title:Associate Professor
- Office:SEIEE building 1-523
- Office Phone:
- Email:weiren.zhu@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:http://ant.sjtu.edu.cn/homepage/wrzhu
Research Field
- Theory, modeling, and numerical analysis of electromagnetic waves in metamaterials
- Metamaterial based antennas and RF devices
- Nano antennas
- Surface plasmon polaritons
2006.09—2011.07 Ph.D., Department of Applied Physics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710129, CHINA
2002.09—2006.07 B.S., Department of Applied Physics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710129, CHINA
Work experience
2016.04—Present Tenure-track Associate Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, CHINA
2016.08—Present Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, AUSTRALIA
2012.04—2016.04 Research Fellow, Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3800, AUSTRALIA
2011.07—2012.01 Postdoctoral Fellow, Research School of Physics and Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200, AUSTRALIA
The evolution of modern electromagnetic technologies, such as ultrafast communications, relies on the development of new materials and novel theories. Artificially structured electromagnetic composites, termed metamaterials, offer unique optical properties that do not exist in natural materials, broadening human being's knowledge of manipulating electromagnetic waves. We are particularly intesested in the theory, modeling, and numerical analysis of electromagnetic waves interaction with metamaterials and metasurfaces, metamaterial based antennas and RF devices/systems, active nano antennas, nanophotonics, and surface plasmon polaritons.
Awards and Honors
- Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program by Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, in 2017
- Best Doctoral Thesis Award by Northwestern Polytechnical University in 2012
- Innocation Research Award by Applied Materials inc. US, in 2010
- Baosteel Education Award Granted by Baosteel inc. CHINA , in 2010
Journal papers (selected):
[50] M. Kang, W. Zhu, H. Wang, and M. Premaratne, Spawning a ring of exceptional points from a metamaterial, Optics Express, (In press)
[49] M. Kang, H. Wang, and W. Zhu, Wavefront manipulation with a dipolar metasurface under coherent control, Journal of Applied Physics, (In press)
[48] J. Chen, X. Liang, C. He, H. Fan, W. Zhu, R. Jin, and J. Geng, Efficiency improvement of time modulated array with reconfigurable power divider/combiner, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, (In press)
[47] W. Zhu, I. D. Rukhlenko, F. Xiao, C. He, J. Geng, X. Liang, M. Premaratne, R. Jin, Multiband coherent perfect absorption in a water-based metasurface, Optics Express, 25, 15737-15745 (2017)
[46] F. Xiao, C. Liu, K. Liu, W. Shang, W. Zhu, and J. Zhao, Control the Raman response of individual carbon nanotubes by orbital angular momentum of light, Optics Letters, 42, 2491-2494 (2017)
[45] A. S. Baimuratov, A. I. Shlykov, W. Zhu, M. Y. Leonov, A. V. Baranov, A. V. Fedorov, and I. D. Rukhlenko, Excitons in gyrotropic quantum-dot supercrystals, Optics Letters, 42, 2423-2426 (2017)
[44] Z. Peng, X. Liang, W. Zhu, J. Geng, C. He, R. Jin, Y. Yao, and Y. Qian, Metal loaded sea-water antenna with high radiation efficiency and wideband characteristics, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 16, 1671-1674 (2017)
[43] Y. Yao, X. Liang, W. Zhu, J. Geng, R. Jin, Phase mode analysis of radio beams carrying orbital angular momentum, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 16, 1127-1130 (2017)
[42] W. Shang, F. Xiao, W. Zhu, H. He, M. Premaratne, T. Mei, and J. Zhao, Fano resonance with high local field enhancement under azimuthally polarized excitation, Scientific Reports, 7, 1049 (2017)
[41] S. A. Andronaki, W. Zhu, M. Yu. Leonov, A. G. Shalkovskiy, A. V. Baranov, A. V. Fedorov, and I. D. Rukhlenko, Effect of extinction on separation of nanoparticle enantiomers with chiral optical forces, IEEE Photonics Journal, 9 (2), 4500906 (2017)
[40] I. A. Vovk, A. S. Baimuratov, W. Zhu, A. G. Shalkovskiy, A. V. Baranov, A. V. Fedorov, and I. D. Rukhlenko, Chiral nanoparticles in singular light fields, Scientific Reports, 7, 45925 (2017)
[39] W. Zhu, F. Xiao, I. D. Rukhlenko, J. Geng, X. Liang, M. Premaratne, R. Jin, Wideband visible-light absorption in an ultrathin silicon nanostructure, Optics Express, 25 (5), 5781 -5786 (2017)
[38] W. Zhu,* F. Xiao,* M. Kang, D. Sikdar, X. Liang, J. Geng, M. Premaratne, R. Jin, MoS2 broadband coherent perfect absorber for terahertz waves, IEEE Photonics Journal, 8 (6), 5502207 (2016)
[37] F. Xiao,* W. Zhu,* W. Shang, M. Wang, P. Zhang, S. Liu, M. Premaratne, and J. Zhao, Optical Bloch oscillations and Zener tunneling of Airy beams in ionic-type photonic lattices, Optics Express, 24, 18332-18339 (2016).
[36] W. Zhu,* F. Xiao, M. Kang, and M. Premaratne, Coherent perfect absorption in an all-dielectric metasurface, Applied Physics Letters, 108, 121901 (2016)
[35] D. Sikdar, W. Zhu, W. Cheng, and M. Premaratne, Substrate-mediated broadband tunability in plasmonic resonances of metal nanoantennas on finite high-permittivity dielectric substrate, Plasmonics, 10,1663–1673 (2015).
[34] W. Zhu,* I. D. Rukhlenko, R. E. Noskov, R. Jin, and J. Zhou, Recent advances in theory and applications of electromagnetic metamaterials, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, 2015, 982325, (2015).
[33] F. Xiao, W. Zhu, W. Shang, T. Mei, M. Premaratne, and J. Zhao, Electrical control of second harmonic generation in a graphene-based plasmonic Fano structure, Optics Express, 23, 3236-3244 (2015).
[32] S. Li,* Q. Zhang, W. Hu, W. Yu, X. Lv, and W. Zhu,* A uniplanar triple-band dipole antenna using complementary capacitively loaded loop, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 14, 743-746 (2015).
[31] W. Zhu,* D. Sikdar, F. Xiao, M. Kang, and M. Premaratne, Gold nanoparticles with gain-assisted coating for ultra-sensitive biomedical sensing, Plasmonics, 10,881–886 (2015).
[30] K. J. Si, Y. Chen, D. Sikdar, Z. Xu, H. Mu, Y. Tang, W. Xiong, P. Guo, S. Zhang, Y. Lu, Q. Bao, W. Zhu, M. Premaratne, and W. Cheng, Giant Plasmene Nanosheets, Nanoribbons and Origami, ACS Nano, 8, 11086-11093(2014).
[29] M. Kang, Y. D. Chong, H. T. Wang, W. Zhu, and M. Premaratne, Critical route for coherent perfect absorption in a Fano resonant plasmonic system, Applied Physics Letters 105, 131103 (2014).
[28] F. Xiao, B. Li, M. Wang, W. Zhu, P. Zhang, S. Liu, M. Premaratne, and J. Zhao, Optical Bloch oscillations of an Airy beam in a photonic lattice with a linear transverse index gradient, Optics Express 22, 22763 (2014)
[27] M. Kang, H. Cui, T. Li, J. Chen, W. Zhu, and M. Premaratne, Unidirectional phase singularity in ultrathin metamaterials at exceptional points, Physical Review A 89, 065801 (2014)
[26] Y. Huang,* G. Wen, W. Zhu*, J. Li, L. Si, and M. Premaratne, Experimental demonstration of a magnetically tunable ferrite based metamaterial absorber, Optics Express 22, 16408 (2014)
[25] W. Zhu, M. Premaratne, S. D. Gunapala, G. P. Agrawal, and M. I. Stockman, Quasi-Static analysis of controllable optical cross sections of a layered nanoparticle with a sandwiched gain layer, Journal of Optics 16, 075003(2014) (Featured Article)
[24] W. Zhu, I. D. Rukhlenko, F. Xiao, and M. Premaratne, Polarization conversion in U-shaped chiral metamaterial with four-fold symmetry breaking, Journal of Applied Physics 115, 143101 (2014)
[23] M. Kang, H. T. Wang, and W. Zhu, Dual-band unidirectional circular polarizer with opposite handednesses filtration using hybridized metamaterial, Optics Express 22, 9301 (2014)
[22] W. Zhu, F. Xiao, M. Kang, D. Sikdar, and M. Premaratne, Tunable terahertz left-handed metamaterial based on multi-layer graphene-dielectric composite, Applied Physics Letters 104, 051902 (2014)
[21] F. Xiao, W. Zhu, M. Premaratne, and J. Zhao, Controlling Fano resonance of ring/ crescent-ring plasmonic nanostructure with Bessel beam, Optics Express 22, 2132 (2014)
[20] W. Zhu, I. D. Rukhlenko, Y. Huang, G. Wen, and M. Premaratne, Wideband giant optical activity and negligible circular dichroism of near-infrared chiral metamaterial based on a complimentary twisted configuration, Journal of Optics 15, 125101 (2013)
[19] W. Zhu, I. D. Rukhlenko, and M. Premaratne, Graphene metamaterial for optical reflection modulation, Applied Physics Letters 102, 241914 (2013)
[18] W. Zhu, I. D. Rukhlenko, L. Si, and M. Premaratne, Graphene-enabled tunability of optical fishnet metamaterial, Applied Physics Letters 102, 121911 (2013)
[17] K. Song, Y. Liu, Q. Fu, X. Zhao, C. Luo, and W. Zhu, 90º polarization rotator with rotation angle independent of substrate permittivity and incident angles using a composite chiral metamaterial, Optics Express 21, 7439-7446 (2013)
[16] L. Si, W. Zhu, and H. Sun, A compact, planar, and CPW-fed metamaterial-inspired dual-band antenna, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 12, 305-308 (2013)
[15] L. Si, Y. Liu, H. Lu, H. Sun, X. Lv, and W. Zhu, Experimental realization of high transmittance THz 90˚-bend waveguide using EMXT structure, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 25 519-522 (2013)
[14] W. Zhu, I. D. Rukhlenko, and M. Premaratne, Application of zero-index metamaterials for surface plasmon guiding, Applied Physics Letters 102, 011910 (2013)
[13] W. Zhu, I. D. Rukhlenko, and M. Premaratne, Manipulating energy flow in variable-gap plasmonic waveguides, Optics Letters 37, 5151-5153(2012)
[12] I. D. Rukhlenko, W. Zhu, M. Premaratne, and G. P. Agrawal, Effective third-order susceptibility of silicon-nanocrystal-doped silica, Optics Express 20, 26275-26284 (2012)
[11] W. Zhu, I. D. Rukhlenko, and M. Premaratne, Linear transformation optics for plasmonics, Journal of Optical Society of America B 29, 2659-2664 (2012)
[10] W. Zhu, I. D. Rukhlenko, and M. Premaratne, Light amplification in zero-index metamaterial with gain inserts, Applied Physics Letters 101, 031907 (2012)
[9] W. Zhu, I. D. Rukhlenko, and M. Premaratne, Maneuvering propagation of surface plasmon polaritons using complementary medium inserts, IEEE Photonics Journal 4, 741-747 (2012)
[8] W. Zhu, Y. Huang, I. D. Rukhlenko, G. Wen, and M. Premaratne, Configurable metamaterial absorber with pseudo wideband spectrum, Optics Express 20, 6616-6621 (2012)
[7] W. Zhu, I. Shadrivov, D. Powell, and Y. Kivshar, Hiding in the corner, Optics Express 19, 20827-20832 (2011)
[6] W. Zhu, X. Zhao, and B. Gong, Left-handed metamaterials based on a leaf-shaped configuration, Journal of Applied Physics 109, 093504 (2011)
[5] W. Zhu, C. Ding, and X. Zhao, A numerical method for designing acoustic cloak with homogeneous metamaterials, Applied Physics Letters 97, 131902 (2010)
[4] W. Zhu, and X. Zhao, Metamaterial absorber with dendritic cells at infrared frequencies, Journal of Optical Society of America B 26, 2382-2385 (2009)
[3] W. Zhu, X. Zhao, and J. Guo, Multibands of negative refractive indexes in the left-handed metamaterials with multiple dendritic structures, Applied Physics Letters 92, 241116 (2008)
[2] B. Liu, X. Zhao, W. Zhu, W. Luo, and X. Cheng, Multiple pass-band optical left-handed metamaterials based on random dendritic cells, Advanced Functional Materials 18, 3523-3528 (2008)
[1] W. Zhu, X. Zhao, and N. Ji, Double bands of negative refractive index in the left-handed metamaterials with asymmetric defects, Applied Physics Letters 90, 011911 (2007)
1. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (Impact Factor 2.649),Guest Editor
Open for submission (due 31/10/2017): http://iopscience.iop.org/journal/0953-8984/page/plasmonic-metamaterials
2. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation (Impact Factor 1.164), Lead Guest Editor
3. Frontiers of Physics, Editorial Board Member
4. Member, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
5. Member, The Optical Society of America (OSA)
6. Service as a reviewer for over 20 Journals, including Applied Physics Letters, Optics Letters, Optics Express, ACS Nano, Scientific Reports, and IEEE journals