- Name:Junhua Tang
- Title:Associate Professor
- Office:Room 5203, Software Building (School of Software)
- Office Phone:
- Email:junhuatang@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:
Research Field
Next Generation Networks
Network Security
Wireless Network
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Ph.D. EE 1994-1999
Osaka University, Japan Exchange Graduate Student 1996-1997
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China B.Eng. EE 1990-1994
Work experience
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China Associate Professor 12/2005 – Present
University of Southern California, USA Visiting Scholar 08/2011 – 07/2012
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Assistant Professor 04/2005 – 03/2007
(On leave from 01/2006 – 12/2006)
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Teaching Fellow 01/2002 – 03/2005
Lucent Technologies Singapore Pte Ltd Technical Consultant 11/2000 – 12/2001
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Research Fellow 04/1999 – 10/2000
Awards and Honors
Communication Theory and Systems
Data Communications
Information Theory and Coding
1.Junhua Tang, Parisa Mansourifard, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Power Allocation over Two Identical Gilbert-Elliott Channels, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2013, 5888-5892, 2013.6.9-2013.6.13.
2.Junhua Tang, Sisi Dai, Jianhua Li, Shenghong Li, “Gossip-Based Scalable Directed Diffusion for Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Communication Systems, Volume 24, Issue 11, pages 1418–1430, November 2011
3.Junhua Tang, Gang Feng, Chee-Kheong Siew and Liren Zhang, “Providing Differentiated Services over Wireless Downlink Through Buffer Management”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume 57, No. 1, 2008, pp 548-555
4.Junhua Tang, Liren Zhang, Chee-Kheong Siew, “An Opportunistic Video Scheduling Algorithm Over Shared Wireless Downlink”, Computer Communications (Elsevier),Volume 29, No. 11, July 2006, pp 1917-1926
5.Junhua Tang, Chee-Kheong Siew and Gang Feng, “Parallel LSPs for constraint-based routing and load balancing in MPLS networks”, IEE proceedings – communications, Volume 152, Issue 1, Feb. 2005 pp 6 – 12
6.Junhua Tang, Chee-Kheong Siew and Liren Zhang, “Optical nonlinear effects on the performance of IP traffic over GMPLS based DWDM networks”, Computer Communications (Elsevier), Vol.26, No. 12, 2003, pp1330-1340
7.Junhua Tang, Liren Zhang, and Chee-Kheong Siew, “The Effect of Stimulated Raman Scattering in WDM Based IP Backbone”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (Wiley), Vol.38, No.3, August 2003, pp 247-249
8.Junhua Tang, Liren Zhang, and Chee-Kheong Siew, “The Effect of IP Traffic Burstiness on Four-Wave Mixing Crosstalk in WDM Networks”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters (Wiley), Vol.37, No. 3, May 2003, pp 212-214
9.Liren Zhang, Junhua Tang, “Characterization and performance study of IP traffic in WDM networks”, Computer Communications (Elsevier), Vol. 24, Issue 17, 1 November 2001, pp 1702-1713
10.Liren Zhang, Junhua Tang, “The Effect of IP Traffic on WDM Based Networks”, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol.4, No.9, September 2000, pp 295-297
11.Liren Zhang, Junhua Tang, “Label-switching architecture for IP traffic over WDM networks”, IEE proceedings – communications, Vol.147, No.5, October 2000, pp 269-276
12.Junhua Tang, Yue Wu, Linsen Li, Ping Yi, The effect of opportunistic scheduling on TCP performance over shared wireless downlink,2008 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, GLOBECOM 2008,5091-5095,New Orleans, LA, United states, 2008.11.30-2008.12.4.
13.Junhua Tang, Liren Zhang, Chee-Kheong Siew, An Opportunistic Scheduling Algorithm for MPEG Video Over Shared Wireless Downlink,2006 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2006) (EI收录),2006.6.11-2006.6.15.
14.Junhua Tang, Liren Zhang, Effect of IP traffic on optical QoS in DWDM networks,IEEE International Conference on Networks’2000 (ICON’2000), 2000.9.6-2000.9.8.
15.Junhua Tang, Liren Zhang, IP traffic in WDM-based networks, 5th European Conference on Network & Optical Communications, 2000.6.6-2000.6.9.
16.Junhua Tang, Liren Zhang, Tee Hiang Cheng, Architecture of Label Switching Protocol for IP Traffic in WDM Networks, NetWorld+Interop 2000, 2000.5.7-2000.5.12