- Name:Ling Pei
- Title:Asso. Prof.
- Office:WeiDianZhi Building 309G
- Office Phone:021-34207484
- Email:ling.pei@sjtu.edu.cn
- Website:http://nls.sjtu.edu.cn/
Research Field
Wireless Positioning technologies
Context-Awareness and Location-based service
Indoor and urban navigation
Ubiquitous positioning
Mobile computing
Mobile mapping
Pervasive computing
GNSS positioning
Ph.D,School of Instrument Science & Engineering, Southeast University,2003-2007
MSc.,School of Engineering, Jiangxi Agricultural University,2000-2003
BEng.,School of Engineering, Jiangxi Agricultural University,1996-2000
Work experience
Associate Professor at School of Electronics, Information and Electrical Engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China 2013-now
Specialist Research Scientist at Navigation and Positioning Department of Finnish Geodetic Institute, Finland 2010-2013
Senior Research Scientist at Navigation and Positioning Department of Finnish Geodetic Institute, Finland 2007-2010
Lecturer at School of Engineering, Jiangxi Agricultural University, China 2003-2007
Awards and Honors
The Best Paper Award in IEEE/ION PLANS 2010 2010
The Technology Award from the Ministry of Land and Resources P.R.C 2006
The CASC Scholarship for excellent postgraduate from Chinese Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation 2006
The Best Graduate Student Award from Jiangxi Agricultural University 2000
Pubished over 50 papers. Selected papers:
1. Pei, L., Guinness, R., Chen, R., J. Liu, Kuusniemi, H., Chen,Y., Chen, L. and Kaistinen, Y. 2013. Human Behavior Cognition Using Smartphone Sensors. Sensors. 13(2):1402-1424; doi:10.3390/s130201402. (SCI)
2. Pei, L., Guinness, R., Liu, J., Chen, Y., Kuusniemi, H., and Chen, R. 2012. Using LS-SVM Based Motion Recognition for Smartphone Indoor Wireless Positioning. Sensors, Vol 12(5), 6155-6175; doi:10.3390/s120506155. (SCI)
3. J. Liu, R. Chen, L. Pei, R. Guinness, H. Kuusniemi. “A Hybrid Smartphone Indoor Positioning Solution for Mobile LBS,” Sensors. 2012; 12(12):17208-17233. (SCI)
4. L. Chen, L. Pei, H. Kuusniemi, Y. Chen, T. Kröger, R. Chen, 2012,“Bayesian Fusion for Indoor Positioning Using Bluetooth Fingerprints,” Wireless Personal Communications. 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-012-0777-1.(SCI)
5. Kuusniemi H., Liu J., Pei L., Chen Y., Chen L. and R. Chen, 2012. Reliability considerations of multi-sensor multi-network pedestrian navigation. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 6(3), 157–164, doi: 10.1049/iet-rsn.2011.0247.(SCI)
6. J. Liu, Y. Chen, L. Pei, R. Chen, L. Chen, 2012. “iParking: An Intelligent Indoor Location-Based Smartphone Parking Service”, Sensors 12 (11), 14612-14629 (SCI)
7. Ruizhi Chen, Yiwu Wang, Ling Pei, Yuwei Chen, and Kirsi Virrantaus, 2012,”3D Smartphone Navigation Using Geocoded Images”. GPS World. Vol 23(10), 2012.(Cover story)
8. Bhuiyan, M.Z.H., Kuusniemi, H., Chen, L., Pei, L., Ruotsalainen, L., Guinness, R., Chen, R. (2013). Performance Evaluation of Multi-Sensor Fusion Models in Indoor Navigation. European Journal of Navigation, Vol. 11, Nr. 2, 20-28.
9. R. Chen, H. Kuusniemi, J. Hyyppä, J. Zhang,J. Takala, R.Kuittinen, Y. Chen, L. Pei, Z. Liu, L. Zhu, J. Liu, Y. Qin, H. Leppäkoski, J. Wang. ” Going 3D”. GPS World. Vol 21(2), 2010. (Cover story)
10. R. Chen, H. Kuusniemi, Y. Chen, L. Pei, W. Chen, J. Liu, H. Leppäkoski, J. Takala. ” Multi-Sensor, Multi-Network Positioning”. GPS World. Vol 21(2), 2010.
11. Yiwu Wang, Ruizhi Chen, Ling Pei, Yuwei Chen, and Kirsi Virrantaus, (2013). “Evaluations on 3D Personal Navigation based on Geocoded Images in Smartphones”. Journal of Global Positioning System. 11(1), 116-126.
12. Liu, J., Chen, R., Chen, Y., Kröger, T., & Pei, L. (2013). Performance Evaluation of EGNOS in Challenging Environments. Journal of Global Positioning Systems, 11(1), 145-155.
13. Chen, R., Pei, L., and H. Leppäkoski, 2012. “WLAN and Bluetooth positioning in smart phones”. In Chen, R. (Ed.), Ubiquitous Positioning and Mobile Location-Based Services in Smart Phones. doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1827-5. Pennsylvania, US. IGI-Global.(Book chapter)
14. Pei L., and Z. Liu, 2012. “Location-Based Service and Navigation in Smart Phones”. In Chen, R. (Ed.), Ubiquitous Positioning and Mobile Location-Based Services in Smart Phones. doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-1827-5. Pennsylvania, US. IGI-Global. (Book chapter)
15. Chen L., Kuusniemi, H., Chen, Y., Pei, L., Kröger, T., and R. Chen, 2012. Motion Restricted Information Filter for Indoor Bluetooth Positioning. International Journal on Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems. Vol 3 (3), 54-66.
16. Pei, L., L., Chen, R., Guinness, J., Liu, H., Kuusniemi, Y., Chen, R., Chen. Sound Positioning Using a Small Scale Linear Microphone Array. IPIN 2013.
17. Pei, L., Liu, J., Guinness, R., Chen, Y., Kröger, T., R. Chen, and L. Chen, 2012. The Evaluation of WiFi Positioning in a Bluetooth and WiFi Coexistence Environment.UPINLBS2012. (EI)
18. L. Pei, R. Chen, J. Liu, Z. Liu ,H. Kuusniemi, Y. Chen , L. Zhu. ”Sensors Assisted 3D Personal Navigation on Smart Phone in the GPS Degraded Environment.” 19th International conference on Geoinformatics, Shanghai, June, 2011. (EI)
19. L. Pei, R. Chen, T. Tenhunen, H. Kuusniemi, Y. Chen, J. Liu. “Using Inquiry-based Bluetooth RSSI Probability Distributions for Indoor Pedestrian Navigation“. Journal of Global Positioning Systems, 2010,Vol 9 (2).
20. L. Pei, R.Chen, J. Liu, W.Chen, H. Kuusniemi, T. Tenhunen, T. Kröger, Y. Chen, H. Leppäkoski, J. Takala. “Motion Recognition Assisted Indoor Wireless Navigation on a Mobile Phone “, Proceedings of the ION GNSS2010, Portland, USA, September, 2010.
21. L. Pei, R. Chen, Y. Chen, H. Leppakoski, A. Perttula, “Indoor/Outdoor Seamless Positioning Technologies Integrated on Smart Phone” IEEE The First International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications (SPACOMM 2009), pp: 141-145, France, July, 2009. (EI)
Dr. Ling Pei (born 1977.09) has been an associate professor in the School of Electronics, Information and Electrical Engineering at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), China since 2013. He has authored or co-authored over 50 scientific papers. He is also an inventor of 6 patents and pending patents. From 2007 to 2013, he worked as a specialist research scientist at Finnish Geodetic Institute in Finland. His research interests include indoor/outdoor seamless positioning, ubiquitous computing, wireless positioning, mobile computing, context-aware applications and location-based services. He has been involved in multiple EU, ESA (European Space Agency), Finnish Academy and TEKES (the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation) projects. Most of his research activities are cooperated with some Finnish international companies, e.g. Nokia, Fastrax, Bluegiga, and Ekahau. Furthermore, he was a research analyst candidate of Apple iOS Wireless Team in US headquarter. The excellence research work Dr. Pei involved has been recognized to the public via e.g. a cover story in the most popular navigation magazine "GPS World" twice (Feb. Issue 2010, and Oct. Issue 2012) and a part of a feature story in the Finnish National TV. Nowadays, he has been an advisory committee and technical program committee member of the International Conference on Advances in Satellite and Space Communications. Moreover, he is an editorial board member of the International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems Editorial Board, and the International Journal On Advances in Telecommunication a paper reviewer for IEEE Pervasive Computing magazine, Sensors, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Journal of Navigation, and various IEEE international conferences.